Friday, March 1, 2013

Made it to London Heathrow

I could really get used to this business class experience.  Shorter lines, nice seats (see pic) and comfortable lounges.

The flight from Boston was smooth. Only slept a half hour though. Got into London about 4 a.m. Boston time. Felt badly for a guy who was opening every overhead bin looking for his luggage. Another 2 hours until we take off for Bangalore. That gives me time to shop at Harrods and Prada... ;)

More later...or tomorrow. .depending on where you live.

Cheers for now.


  1. Awesome, Dana! Hope you have a great time. Thanks for blogging about it. Can't wait to see what's next. -heidi

  2. You look like a natural and happy traveler.... :-)
    Thanks for the link, and documenting your impressions.
